
Intel Community Championship

The Intel Community Championship takes place each event and aims to find the best gamer across a range of games, so you can't win just by being a one-hit-wonder. 

The winner gets presented with the championship belt at the end of each event and gets to parade around as champion until they're knocked off their spot at the next event, or they can defend their honour and remain as the reigning, defending, undisputed EPIC.LAN champion forever.

Our fantastic partners also provide some excellent prizes for the participants.

Current Reigning Champion: DaveMarr
EPIC44 Intel Prize Bundle Winner: left-one

How To Enter

Simply, attend our next event and take part in a range of big games, fun tournaments and community activities. Look for the ones marked with ** in our Intel Community Timetable for extra points. There's points for taking part, but even more points for being the best. 

  • 1st place - 15 points
  • 2nd place - 10 points
  • 3rd place - 7 points
  • Participants - 5 points

In team games, we'll announce before the game starts if we're awarding the winning team members 15 points all round or if we'll be working out points based on other stats.

Where we run multiple lobbies for a game (like Golf with your Friends) we'll award the points for positioning to all competitors per point-scoring-game.

The Joker

You can play THE JOKER once per EPIC event - but you MUST make sure that you've nominated the game that you're using your JOKER in BEFORE THE PUBLISHED START TIME - you'll need to follow the instructions in the #communitychampionship channel in the EPIC44 area, so your admins can keep an eye on it.  The JOKER will double your finishing position points in that game - even your participation points!

(You can't play a JOKER for the Pub Quiz or Party Night.)

EPIC44 Intel Community Prize Bundle

Everyone who takes part in points-winning big games or fun tournaments at EPIC44 will earn points towards the Intel Community Championship.

1pt = 1 entry in to the prize draw which gets drawn at the end of the event to win:

*Intel Prize Bundle can only be won once by the same entrant in a calendar year. If a previous winner is drawn, we'll draw again. 

Previous Intel Community Champion and Prize Bundle Winners

Event Intel Community Champion Intel Prize Bundle Winner
EPIC44 DaveMarr left-one
EPIC43 ChewBraka Publodiscobar
EPIC42 DeeEmmSee  
EPIC41 DeeEmmSee  
EPIC40 DeeEmmSee  
EPIC39 DeeEmmSee  
EPIC38 DeeEmmSee Gribley
EPIC37 DeeEmmSee GamingReigns
EPIC36 DaveMarr AvidPenguin
EPIC35 DaveMarr Smonster42
EPIC34 Dav_ral --
EPIC33 DaveMarr --