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Delta by Mariott, Warwick
Stratford Road, Budbrooke, Warwick, CV34 6RE

Booking Information

  • You should not book your accommodation until you have secured your event ticket. Note that EPIC.LAN is not responsible for your accommodation bookings and you should satisfy yourselves with any cancellation terms prior to booking.
  • Single Occupancy Rooms - £55/night
  • Double Occupancy Rooms - £60/night
  • Includes Bed & Breakfast

To access the discounted rate, you must book through our acccomodation partners at Acccomodations UK by:

  • Telephone - 0191 213 2131
  • Email - book@accommodationsuk.co.uk
  • When booking you will require:
    • Venue Name, Dates & Event Name
    • Dates Required
    • Number of Rooms
    • Guest Name(s)
    • Single/Double Occupancy
    • Your Address
    • Contact Number
    • Your Email
    • You will be contacted by telephone to take credit/debit card details to guarantee your room but payment is not taken until day of arrival directly with the hotel. 
  • Room Cancellation Terms - 28days prior to arrival

The Venue

  • Free parking for hotel guests (note, you must enter your registration in to Parking Eye terminals during the event)
  • Loads of local fast food outlets
  • Onsite catering throughout the event during the day 
  • Onsite bar
  • Onsite hotel rooms (no indoor sleeping or camping apart from in hotel rooms, purchased separately)
  • Fitness room
  • Easily accessible from M40