News :: epic.15 League of Legends Roundup - Grand Finals
A breakdown of the Grand, a Best of Five series between FM eSports and Team Infused, where FM start with a 1-0 lead due to advancing via the upper bracket. (With bonus stats!)
FM start the series 1-0 up
Game 2
Starting with a lane swap as Infused send Cr1tbud and Arphan top lane, FM respond by with a very early 4 man push to take the bot lane turret. Infused take Top shortly after, but Tundra heads top lane at only level 4 while 3 of Infused are still in the lane and this mistake gives first blood over to Infused. The focus stays on top lane as Infused once again have a numbers advantage and Cr1tbud grabs an easy double kill. Infused keep up the pressure by forcing FM to rotate, trying to create opportunities for picks in the jungle. Toaster tried to duel Cr1tbud in the botlane, to stop the free farming but Sivir will never win a duel against Vayne at this stage in the game. The next in a series of increasingly poor decisions sees FM sending Tundra to fight Vayne solo, lasting about 4 seconds before the Silver Bolts melt his health bar.
FM magage to get on the scoreboard by ignoring the solopush Vayne and forcing a fight 4 vs 5 and taking down mid turret but don't have the minion wave to push any further. Infused return to lane and extend their gold lead to 5k with another trio of kills before losing Alphari. Looking to secure the Dragon FM engage on a lone Nocturnal Plex, but it turns out to be a bait from Infused and excellent combo of Pulverise, Shockwave and GNAR! Lock down FM long enough for Vayne to mop up with a Quadra and an Ace for Infused.Having amassed a 10k Gold lead, Infused turn their attention to the Baron and use the buff to push down the top lane, taking the turret and inhibitor. Turning their attention to Bot Lane Infused take down a second inhibitor before a surrender vote comes in from the side of FM eSports meaning Infused tie up the series 1-1
Game 3
A standard start, no lane swaps and 4 man pushes this game, the pace is much slower than previous the previous game until a fight in the botlane results in first blood for Toaster. Infused are applying a lot of pressure to Tundra's Irelia with repeated ganks, blowing his flash before returning for the kills. Tundra still manages to stay up in CS over Alphari to work towards his Trinity Force power spike but getting impatient he forces a bad duel against Alphari and gives over another kill.
Infused decide that they are bored of the slow farming game, so after allowing FM to take their bottom lane turret turn around with a 4 man gank to destroy Toaster and Vizd0M giving Alphari his 4th kill on the hyper scaling Ryze. Infused continue to keep down Tundra while Toaster just tries to get some farm for the late game, Alphari gets a little too confident fighting Tundra and FM collapse to get the shutdown gold, while Infused are busy getting the Dragon. FM pick up two turrets off the back of the kill and quickly reduce Infused's gold lead from 4k to only 1k.
The game is stalled out until a fight breaks out around the Baron pit, FM come out on to with 3 kills for none and claim their Baron reward, meaning for the first time this game FM hav a clear gold advantage. Although they are wearing the Baron buff FM really struggle to use it to push any lanes so the only objective they secure while wearing the buff is their first Dragon. The game is steady going until the Baron respawns, Infused try to get the jump on FM but FM turn the fight around and get their second Baron of the game. Even with their second Baron and a 8k gold lead FM still have trouble pushing their advantage, only managing to take down the Mid outer turret at the cost of Tundra's life. FM get aught in the Infused jungle with poor vision, and Infused take down 4 members while losing only Cr1tbud but there are no objectives left for them to take. Ziviz then gets caught in the midlane, making things look bleak for FM, but a beautiful turnaround from Toaster's Vayne results in a Quadra kill giving FM the opening they need to end the game and lead the series 2-1.
Now only one game away from victory, FM's Toaster and Vizd0m go a little too aggressive in the early lane and give over first blood to Arphan, while Vizd0m does manage to secure the return kill with a death sentence. Cr1tbud manages to build an advantage with the resulting free farm, but overstays and goes down as soon as Toaster returns, tossing away the advantage. Using the combo of Shen's stand united and Nocturnes Paranoia Infused throw 4 members at Toaster and Vizd0m, taking out the Corki and picking up the first Dragon, but they leave Tundra to free farm in the top lane. FM claw a small lead with the first turret kill of the game in the midlane before moving towards the top lane with similar intentions. After an extended standoff they pull the trigger and wipe the floor with Infused due to a good dive under the turret. Pulling further into the lead FM keep the head on Infused, out rotating them to take turrets while they are still in the midst of their strong mid game power spike due to the dual Trinity Force users. With no turrets left outside of the Base of Infused FM try their hardest to break in but are unable to take down an inhibitor, while Infused pick up some kills in the meantime. FM have 4 dragons at this point so try to stall for the 5th, but as it spawns and they start to attempt to take it down Toaster is caught out in the midlane and Infused sieze the opportunity to deny the 5th dragon buff and pick up 3 kills, negating the sizeable gold lead to only 2k. Infused now take down the baron but a Teleport from Tundra allows FM to wipe them out and the lengthy death timers allow them to take 2 inhibitors and a Nexus turret. Falling back to Dragon FM manage to secure the 5th buff and a late contest from Infused costs them the game, meaning FM wrap up the series with a 3-1 Victory.