
News :: epic.FOUR Unreal Tournament 2004 Winners

epic.FOUR Unreal Tournament 2004 Winners

The final of our last-man-standing Unreal Tournament 2004 competition has just taken place here at epic.FOUR. Four valiant competitors took part, but in the end, there could be only one winner.

Draken, Jobabob, Vardy and Fuzz fought it out to the bitter end on Idoma in a five minute battle. The winner, taking glory, honour, some epic.LAN goodies and a £20 Kustom PCs voucher is...


A decisive win by 19 frags over second place Fuzz has shown that he truly is the champion.

The full standings are:

1 Vardy 34
2 Fuzz 15
3 Jobabob 11
4 Draken 11

Well done to everyone who took part!