
News :: epic20 Dota 2 Grand Finals

epic20 Dota 2 Grand Finals

Perilous Ruin vs The Super Cool Dudes

Game One:

These two teams played out the series of the tournament in the upper bracket final on Saturday night and it was another thrilling series in the grand finals. Perilous Ruin started the series with a 1-0 lead due to winning the upper bracket final. The start of game one saw the Super Cool Dudes active around the map, garnering a strong lead and seemingly shutting down Rime on the Outworld Devourer he has been so reliable on all tournament. This was personified by the triple kill from the Sniper before ten minutes had even struck the clock. However by 20 minutes both of the PR cores had taken over at the top of the networth chart, leading to a turnaround in the kill scores. Eventually Rime and Chuen were just too much to deal with for the Radiant and they tapped out at just 25 minutes to give PR a 2-0 lead.

Game two:

An active early game from SCD led to them having a strong advantage in the early to mid game, despite Perilous having a very farmed Alchemist, who topped the networth chart for the majority of the game. SCD were able to bring down a number of the Dire buildings including the middle tier 3 tower which opened up the shrines of PR to be destroyed. But the Radiant struggled to push onto the high ground any further due to the acid spray spam and the vacuum wall combo of the Dark Seer, giving PR the chance to catch up on farm and levels making this game very even at the 35 minute mark. As the game reached 40 minutes it was time for the Alchemist to start farming Aghanim’s scepters for his team, but before that the Dire decided it was time for the push and went high ground, being pushed back by the Radiant towards their own top shrine. In the retreat Weaver was caught out and decided to instantly buyback to get into the fight, picking up a triple kill in the process. A fight in the Dire mid lane saw the Radiant get wiped but only after forcing the Dire to buyback on their remaining four heroes other than the Weaver, who previously used it. The teams would continue to trade buybacks until a fight in Perilous Ruin’s base saw them wiped out without buybacks and GG would be called, bringing the series back to 2-1 and keeping SCD’s hopes alive.

Game 3

An very good start for SCD gave them a great initial early game lead and they followed this up by dominating in team fights, helped by the great control provided by the Magnus and Faceless Void. By 25 minutes the Dire had garnered a 15k gold lead overall and this showed as they continued to catch out and kill anyone in their paths. The story of this game was simply the Chronosphere and the Reverse Polarity, if those two spells were pulled off well then the fight just seemed so easy for the Super Cool Dudes. By 28 minutes the Radiant had had enough and called GG bringing the series back to 2-2.

Game four:

The deciding game of this grand final began with both teams trading farm fairly evenly, with an aggro trilane going up against the defensive trilane of Perilous Ruin. First blood came for Rime when the aggressive trio tried to go on him and he was able to turn it with the help of his supports into two kills. The game seemed to be tipped towards the Super Cool Dudes on Radiant as they were able to continuously find kills across the map however for the Dire, less was more in terms of their items as they only needed a few early game items to be able to fight and this was seen when they initiated on SDC at 15 minutes in and killed two of their cores plus a support. The pick-offs continued for the Dire as they were soon able to find the Faceless Void and instantly burst him down. At 22 minutes however, the Radiant were able to find a great fight with the Chronosphere, RP combo once again killing four Perilous Ruin heroes. Just as the game seemed to swing back in SCD’s favour though, a fight by the Dire top shrine led to three of their heroes in the grave and an aegis being lost to the Luna. With this aegis the Dire felt confident to go up to the high ground and were able to take the barracks in middle lane and then proceeding onto the bottom lane. After wiping the Radiant heroes one more time, Perilous Ruin were crowned champions of epic20.

Congratulations to Rime, Magic Squib, Chuen, Dacster and jthwaites.