
News :: LOL: Grand Final - LC vs INF

LOL: Grand Final - LC vs INF

The Grand Final of the epic.THIRTEEN League of Legends Tournament is the Best of 5 Match is the Grand Final between London Conspiracy and Team Infused. Team Infused come into the series with a 1-0 advantage due to advancing through the Upper Bracket.

Game 2

Both junglers are unable to pick up any kills in the very early game as every gank attempt is swiftly countered, The first kills are exchanged in a Top Lane 2 vs 2 skirmish, where London Conspiracy pick up first blood moments before Infused pick up a return kill. The same thing happens in the midlane with LC taking a slight advantage as the kill gold goes onto Lux, whereas Dan’s evelynn takes the kill gold for himself. Infused’s botlane is pulling ahead in CS, with WaWa earning a 30cs advantage. Rift manages to get his first uncountered gank in the toplane, but Infused seize the opportunity by taking the dragon uncontested. With that objective no longer available Infused now refocus on the top lane to initiate a 3 man dive giving a kill to Geobear. Dan keeps up the pressure all over the map, killing Rift in his own jungle before getting another kill in the top lane, assisting his team in building up a 3000 gold lead.
Rift tries to make a play in the top lane but the tanky Gragas and Rammus don’t have the damage to take down Yasuo, meaning they stick around for too long to allow the rest of Infused to collapse on them.
London Conspiracy are now 11000 gold behind, and are unable to walk through their own jungle without being taken out by the roaming Infused squad. They try and turn it around with a claustrophobic fight around their Blue buff, but the gold difference is just too overwhelming and Infused win the fight and extend the lead.
Infused now charge straight for the LC base and a brilliant Last Breath from Yasuo straight to the backline scores an ace and gives Infused the first game of the matchup, meaning they are now 2 - 0 in the best of 5 due to the bye earned from advancing via the winners bracket.

Game 3

Infused botlane pulls an early lead after LC’s Morgana is late to lane due to preventing an invade, which is extended after a counter gank gives Infused’s Dan first blood. Geobear outduels Jonjo in the top lane after abusing Renektons early game power. LC swing it right back after a Wawa and Nieu outstay their welcome and give updouble kill in the bot lane  while over in the toplane Dan’s gank backfires to baiting his teammate into giving Jonjo a kill. Returning toplane the same scenario play out, although this time they manage to pick up Jonjo for a 1 for 1 exchange. Giving these kills over to Jonjo leaves Geobar unable to 1 v 1 him as the toplane snowballs into LC’s favour. Despite giving up kills Infused maintain a small gold lead by superior CS counts and a Dragon.
 Jonjo teleports to save a turret and attempts to assassinate Geobear, who is saved by a clutch Thresh Lantern to make it out alive.
Infused manage to quickly secure another Dragon, but LC close in on the gold lead by collapsing to earn 3 kills which transitions into taking the Mid Inner Turret. LC continue to close in on the Gold Difference by grouping to pick up kills across the map and destroying turrets to give themselves a 4k gold advantage. LC push a little to far in the midlane to give up 3 kills to Infused, and allowing them to pick up the Dragon which mean Infused catch up in gold.London Conspiracy return to the mid lane, and a perfect Flash/Soul Shackles/Zhonyas combo from Bobadopalis catches Infused off guard and gives LC a bunch of kills and the first Inhibitor of the game, shortly leading to the second.
A second engage  from the Morgana Zhonya’s tears Infused to shreds.
With the super minions pouring into Infused’s base they get wiped in the final teamfight giving the third round over to London Conspiracy, which is the first game that Infused have lose at epic.THIRTEEN.

Game 4

A botched invade from London Conspiracy gives an easy first blood over to Geobears Jax, and while Jonjo loses a few minions on the long walk to lane Rift ‘s Nunu doesn’t fall behind due to the fast clear time from Consume.  Jax picks up another kill when Dan ganks his lane, although he does go down to Nunu after talking a few turret shots. The pressure that Lee Sin can create over Nunu really shows as Infused pull ahead to a 5000 gold lead and a 7-2 advantage in kills by 10 minutes.
Infused are now so far ahead that Nieu has worries about flashing under the LC turret to lock up Sabre and give his team another kill.
The gold difference has doubled to 10k by 15 minutes as Infused pick up kill after kill and take every possible objective away from LC, who can do nothing but watch as the game has snowballed well out of their control. Infused take down the first inhibitor just before 20 minutes roll over and they finally push for the win at 22 minutes and finish the series 3 - 1.

Congratulations to Team Infused for winning the epic.THIRTEEN League of Legends tournament, taking home £1400 in cash, tickets  to Februarys epic.FOURTEEN and some hardware for Tesoro!