
News :: LOL: TLR Vs KappaKappaKappa

LOL: TLR Vs KappaKappaKappa

League of LegendsOne of the closest games  so far in the tournament , relatively even with only minor gold diferences until  they hit the late game at 40 minutes , where the differences in team comp start to shine through. The late game hyper carry marksman of Vayne, combined with  the Wombo Combo of Wukong and Yasuo allow TLR to edge out an advantage and push into the base taking out the first inhibitor of the game,.
While TLR back away to heal and buy after the assault on KAPs base, KAP take the opportunity to grab a dragon, but just as they manage to take it  MiNi iLunatic is caught out. With a baron on 4 members of KAP, TLR are reluctant to engage, although with super minions hitting the Nexus turrets of KappaKappaKappa the game is now fully in TLR’s control

The final team fight happens in the toplane, , where TLR manage to execute the  AOE combo with Yasuo’s ultimate hitting the nexus. With only Tattooed Otaku left alive KAP are unable to defend the nexus and The Last Resort Take home a win.

The MVP of this match has to go to Smudgecat with his toplane Yasuo. Finishing the game with over 400 CS, the lack of a tank in the TLR line up did not matter with the lead they managed to pull, and Yasuo had a much greater impact than his lane opponent in the mid to late game.


  • Smudgecat - Yasuo
  • Hoss - Wukong
  • Shaw - Gragas
  • Ratchet - Vayne
  • Clank - Lulu


  •  deathguise - Malphite
  • Tattooed Otaku - Lee Sin
  • TattyBojangles - Zyra
  • MiNi lunatic - Jinx
  • thymartyr - Annie