
News :: Kustom PCs

It's the Kustom Thread!

Kustom ThreadYou know a LAN is getting close when the Kustom thread gets updated, it's part of the almost official mere countdown to LAN timeline thing.

Anyway, Graeme has now posted the official list of shiny and sugary things on sale at the event and don't forget you can also pre-order for delivery to the LAN via the Kustom website until Wednesday 15th February.

As well as the shop, Kustom will also be running a few competitions on his stand in Hall 1 including on the GT Omega Racing Seat as well as the 'Kustom Box Game Challenge' during the Pub Quiz which bears some slight resemblance to a box and deal based TV show hosted by a man with a beard and funny writing on the side of his hand. You could win an awesome prize, or you could even win your very own box!

There you go, head on over to the massive Kustom thread now!

Are you ready to hunt?

Hunt Online 2010Yes, in mere hours we'll be releasing our pack of hounds, well clues for the chase around the... ok the analogy isn't really working.

At 6pm Friday 17th December, the teaser questions will be revealed for this year's epic.HUNT Online, followed by the main questions from 12 noon on Saturday.

The top players (number to be determined) will then get a 30 minute head start for the final charge on Sunday, which starts at 12 again for everybody else.

Make sure you have an epic.LAN account and go to the hunt site at hunt.epiclan.co.uk to begin.

Remember, you could be in with the chance of winning 2x epic.LAN tickets to be used at any 2011 event AND £50 to spend over at Kustom PCs.