
News :: Get-Sourced Trackmania Tournament

Get-Sourced Trackmania Tournament

Get Sourced TrackmaniaSome of our participants will be running a Build Your Own Track (BYOT) - Trackmania Tournament and in return, you could win 50% off your next epic.LAN ticket.

Once the tracks have been built, you'll have the opportunity to race on them and vote for the best track at the event.

Admin: Mattz0r
Contact: mscully@get-sourced.net
What's it about?
The aim of the competition is to create your very own Trackmania track, and you can start your creations now - Please keep it to Stadium only (This is so the freebie players can play it!)
There isn't a time limit you need to keep to, but we suggest no more than 2 minutes at the most (Don't want people getting bored and frustrated because they don't have enough time to finish).
How do I enter?
There will be an FTP available at the event to upload your tracks on to. Alternatively send them to mscully@get-sourced.net.
How do I win?
All the submitted tracks are put onto our server and throughout the event participants can vote on the tracks - The one with the biggest vote wins.
What do I win?
50% discount off your next epic.LAN event.