
News :: epic.FIVE - The Pub Quiz

epic.FIVE - The Pub Quiz

Pub QuizOne of the biggest competitions at epic.LAN is always our pub quiz on the Saturday evening of the event. Usually attracting the majority of participants, we enjoy a few hours of general nostalgia with a few/many beers after a some tough days of gaming.

Bearing in mind the increased numbers at epic.FIVE, and with our TF2 tournament involving teams of 6, we've decided to allow a slight increase to our pub quiz team sizes, which will now have a 6 player limit. We're not planning on removing the cap entirely as we are still a relatively small LAN, and we dont want one or two giant teams to entirely dominate purely by numbers, so the cap gives everybody a fair chance.

Also, we can give some vague clues now to the rounds for this one, very few changes after the generally positive feedback from our last quiz, but a non-exhaustive list includes:

  • Gaming Music
  • General Knowledge
  • Oldschool Kids TV
  • Gaming News
  • Film Music
  • Current Affairs
  • And many more, including our Bonus Rounds!