
News :: Photography

epic.FOUR Gallery Now Up

epic4 galleryWe've been out and about snapping pics throughout epic.FOUR, and managed to catch some great moments which sum up the fun everybody has had at the LAN, including Nivek's new beer shampoo!

You can view our images either right here in the epic.LAN Gallery or through our Facebook Page.

If you have any of your own images, then feel free to share them, either by using the Facebook Page or posting on the epic.FOUR Forums.

epic.THREE Capture the LAN

Capture the LANYOU, yes you. We saw you taking photos of epic.THREE! We have something special for you - our Capture the LAN competiton. Submit your best 5 photos to us and we'll put them up for people to vote on! We'll also dig out a prize for the winner and show off the best entries in our gallery.

To submit your entry, create a folder on our FTP and upload your photos. You have until Sunday evening!

epic.THREE Photography Contest

Photo ContestIn addition to our "Decorate Your Desk" mini competition, we're pleased to announce the return of "Capture the LAN" and this one is for all of the budding photographers out there!

This one is quite simple, all you have to do is take a photograph and submit it to a folder on the FTP at the LAN. The photograph has to be something that captures the atmosphere of an epic.LAN and sums it up in one single image. Each entrant will be allowed to submit up to 5 images.

So this one wont be judged on who has the biggest camera lens, but more about who snaps the moment that just captures what epic.LAN is all about! Once again, we'll find a prize for the winner and show off some of the best entries in our gallery. Closing will be 12noon on the Sunday of epic.THREE.