
News :: Steam Group

Follow the action at epic.FOURTEEN

Event Seam GroupWant to know what is going on at epic.FOURTEEN and a way to see what all your chums are playing?! Well now you can!

We have an Event Steam Group which has reminders for all the big games throughout the weekend so you'll never miss a beat! Not only that but we have a nifty little tool that allows you to link your Steam account to your epic.LAN account. This means that when you join a game it will be displayed on our big screen and intranet. You will be able to see what everyone is playing and what the popular LAN games are.


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epic.TEN - Timetable

epic.TEN TimetableHere's what you've all been waiting for, it's the epic.TEN timetable!

As well as things like opening times (bar and catering following shortly), the timetable also shows a range of big games and fun tournaments taking place throughout the event. As always, we've taken on board your feedback and added in some different games as well as keeping in the old favourites.

You'll notice that smaller games like RTS titles and the non-computer stuff like boardgames, werewolves etc. don't feature on the timetable. That's because we only schedule in the things that we're responsible for running and then that leaves you with plenty of time to do your own thing during the event. Of course you don't have to play everything in the timetable, it's just a guide to when we'll be putting up some big games for as many people as possible to enjoy.

So here is the epic.TEN timetable!

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